Realm of the Black Knight

Monday, September 26, 2005

Arggggh! The spins in my head…

Had a hectic day, so busy that I hardly had a minuteto take a wink. I didn’t even keep track of the timeand sooner than I realize, it was time to book out.

Sadly, life’s just isn’t fair… Official time to bookout was by 4.45pm and we were allow off the island by5pm but it just isn’t like any other day. =(

I left the island by 4pm. You must think that it isn’tthat bad right? But wrong, left to settle some stuffsin another unit. Luckily, I managed to hitch a ride tothe unit thus being able shorten the time frame.Otherwise, the poor me will not even reached home tillnow. Thank GOD.

Went over to another unit to raise a Purchase Order;amounting to half a million. You didn’t read itwrongly, it’s half a million on a purchase order. Ifyou read my earlier tag, you would have seen that mysuperior is a “Million dollar Man” and I’m his key tothe safe. =S If only the money belongs to me… That’llbe GREAT!

Have got audit checks coming up therefore everyone ofus is preparing to fight the war. =( Sigh~ I just hope that everything will turns out well.Earlier in the morning while I was sitting in front ofmy I-net computer, my superior walked in and mention,“You all better close your blogs.” What the…

It’s not as if we are doing something illegal or iscriticizing about anything. Sigh~ Anyway, the accessto blogger have been denied ever since the incidentwhereby someone got charged due to blogging. =S

Well, at least I still can blog from home. =P So, he isn’t going to stop me from blogging. Hah!


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