Realm of the Black Knight: September 2005

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Took a test.. How You Are In Love

You take a while to fall in love with someone. Trust takes time.

You tend to take more than give in relationships.

You tend to get very attached when you're with someone. You want to see your love all the time.

You love your partner unconditionally and don't try to make them change.

You stay in love for a long time, even if you aren't loved back. When you fall, you fall hard.

How true is that?? haha!

Monday, September 26, 2005

Arggggh! The spins in my head…

Had a hectic day, so busy that I hardly had a minuteto take a wink. I didn’t even keep track of the timeand sooner than I realize, it was time to book out.

Sadly, life’s just isn’t fair… Official time to bookout was by 4.45pm and we were allow off the island by5pm but it just isn’t like any other day. =(

I left the island by 4pm. You must think that it isn’tthat bad right? But wrong, left to settle some stuffsin another unit. Luckily, I managed to hitch a ride tothe unit thus being able shorten the time frame.Otherwise, the poor me will not even reached home tillnow. Thank GOD.

Went over to another unit to raise a Purchase Order;amounting to half a million. You didn’t read itwrongly, it’s half a million on a purchase order. Ifyou read my earlier tag, you would have seen that mysuperior is a “Million dollar Man” and I’m his key tothe safe. =S If only the money belongs to me… That’llbe GREAT!

Have got audit checks coming up therefore everyone ofus is preparing to fight the war. =( Sigh~ I just hope that everything will turns out well.Earlier in the morning while I was sitting in front ofmy I-net computer, my superior walked in and mention,“You all better close your blogs.” What the…

It’s not as if we are doing something illegal or iscriticizing about anything. Sigh~ Anyway, the accessto blogger have been denied ever since the incidentwhereby someone got charged due to blogging. =S

Well, at least I still can blog from home. =P So, he isn’t going to stop me from blogging. Hah!

You are longing for some love and affection at thistime - not that you have been deprived of tenderloving care - but there are times when everyone needsto try something new or to go 'somewhere' else toperhaps experience that little extra 'understanding'.

You are trying to improve your position and prestige -be it in your life or in your workplace. Things are,at this time, OK - but they could be better. You feelthat it is essential that you break down anyopposition that could possibly lurk in the shadows.You know that you are quite capable of achieving thisset goal because you have to and because it isessential to your self esteem.

At times all of us would like to be like the ostrich -to be able to bury our heads in the sand and let therest of the world go by, but unfortunately you can'tdo just that - you have to face up to reality. Alittle peace and quiet would be most acceptable atthis time but if only one could turn a blind eye tothe problems of the day! Tomorrow is another day andwho knows, it could be 'today' (not tomorrow) thatcould be the first day of the rest of your life!

Presently, you are experiencing stress because ofrestriction on your independence. You need and seekrespect from other people and it is essential thatthey appreciate you for yourself and not for what theywould like you to be. You have your own beliefs andconvictions and you would like to be respected forthem. You are anxious to avail yourself of everyopportunity that may come your way but nevertheless,come what may, you have the need to control your owndestiny without imposed limitations or restrictions.

You don't like conflict and you endeavor to avoidcriticism. You want to do your own thing and to beable to decide what is right for you. You haveconsiderable personable charm - and this is used withconsiderable effect on those that keep your company.

Hey Guys and Girls, this is really accurate. SHould give it a try ->

Friday, September 23, 2005

22 September 2005

Organized a gathering session with my ex-colleagues from 5 yrs back. Aren’t I lucky to meet up with 3 ladies for dinner. =) it’s really nice chatting over dinner, everything seems like yesterday when we were working in Singtel. No stress, easy money and lots of fun.

Usually we would meet up twice a year but last year was an exception as all of us was busy with our individual life. We have all graduated from our studies and they have stepped out into the society. I was listening to their feedback on the society and can conclude that life is tough in the working world. Bitching, back stabbers and office politics are the norms in office environment. Sound so scary…

I have been out working ever since secondary school and I’m bless with landing myself with great jobs. Not the mention having a bunch of good colleagues to spend my time with. Superiors also treat me well and have recognize my potential and existence in the companies. =) Really got to thank GOD. I sure hope that my future will also be as smooth and have plenty of great opportunities lying ahead.

It is sure nice to meet up with friends once in a while. Lots of bits and pieces in life to catch up on. I sure hope that this friendship will go on forever. =)

24 September 2005

Received a call this morning, it was one of my ex-girlfriend. She is dropping by my area, so we met up for breakfast. She is the only ex-girlfriend who kept in contact with me after we broke up. I guess the others just don’t wish to see my existence in their life anymore.

Hmmm… guess I kind of ruin their life when they were with me. They have all changed drastically after the broke up. Some pick up smoking, tattoos, piercing, etc. They were such good girls when I knew them. Well, maybe I am thinking too highly of myself to think their changes comes under my bad influence. But come to think of it, the ex I met up today did mention that it was due to my bad influence that she have gone through these stuffs. I seriously am in doubt if I was such a bad influence.

Karma do happens, look at me now. I got abandoned this time round. =S Well, all man/women for themselves.

Say me self complacent but I seriously thinks that I have no lack of criteria to seek for another girlfriend. But deep within, I’m sort of waiting.

Waiting for the right girl to come along…

Everything do happen for a reason and it will not be reveal to us. But what Father have ahead of us is definitely something better. We some times got to hope and have faith; everyday that passes bring us a day closer to something better.

We must have both FAITH and HOPE.

I understand from a pastor that HOPE in the bible is when you know that something like that will happen. You don’t just hope for some things to happen. Instead “HOPE” because you know that it will happen.

I dun know if you will understand my explanation in my words. But I sure understood those words that the pastor said. Perhaps that’s why he is the messenger of GOD. =)

All in all, staying happy is the things to be.. =D

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Physic Reading --> Damn accurate!!!

here is what has come out of my analysis:You can also expect some very positive financial changes in your life during this important period. It seems that one very important opportunity will be made to you and this opportunity is linked to an unexpected sum of money.

As a matter of fact your astral configuration shows me that this sum of money should allow you to finish a project which you have been thinking about for a long time.
3 main points stand out clearly:
- first of all, you must realize why this period is so important for you and this is simply because these 72 days are linked to a large sum of money
- it seems that this sum of money will help you with your projects, ambitions and investments- at this stage of my analysis it is difficult to say exactly how you can get hold of this sum of money but it seems that it is linked to a notion of games or lottery when you least expect it.

This period is going to be very intense for you on many different levels and particularly as far as your love-life is concerned. You can expect a very important element of your past to surface, this is someone who you have loved and who you have shared your life with but who isn't necessarily a part of your life at this time (even if they are very close to your heart and mind).

This Transit will bring you some great news and intense joy concerning your love-life and a very particuliar moment of this Transit will help you to acheive greater harmony and happiness than you feel at the moment.

I also want to let you know that I have felt something very strong about you and I want to tell you a little more about this and to tell you exactly what I have perceived about you Xavier:

You know that you are currently in a very interesting period in your life and you feel that depe within you are important changes that are just waiting to happen in your life. (you do in fact need these changes to take place). Even if you are young you still have a certain nostalgia for moments of the past which you have lived through and which were particularly intense for you. Even if you are someone who is particularly courageous and you have a great deal of qualities I know that just a short time ago you wanted to test and prove things in relation to this other person by adopting certain false acts of bravado.

You wanted to affirm your personality and prove something. As far as your personality is concerned you are a person with fresh and innovative ideas and are not willing to settle for what others tell you. You have to see things for yourself and if you don't like what you see then you will change it.

Recently you have been energized by thoughts of exciting change, notably concerning someone who is very close to you and who counted a lot for you but through fear you have not yet acted. You are terrified of failing and making the wrong choice.

You are aware that you have been given certain talents... very special talents, unique only to you and while you have known of these abilities you haven't yet fully acted on them up to now. As a matter of fact I can quite clearly see that you have a great deal of latent or unrealized potential but you are sometimes frustrated with the fact that others don't always recognize this.

I feel that you have a complex and rich personality and that you often have difficulties showing all the different facettes of this personality to the people around you. This has often caused problems in your relationships, particularly as far as your love life is concerned. At the moment you ask yourself a great deal of questions about your personal life - whether that be about your professional future or more particularly about your love life or even your financial life.

You want to make good choices in all of these areas of your life, to be in just the right place at the right time to seize these valuable opportunities and above all not to let them pass you by because you are impatient that things evolve quickly. This is exactly what is going to happen during the period of this Transit which will bring a number of very important changes into your life.

These are the planetary positions Xavier at the precise moment of your birth, the 5 May 1984:
Sun 44°40'57.1250
Moon 90°18'23.6666
Mercury 26°18'55.9978
Venus 33°26'21.4117
Mars 233°Jupiter 282°55'
Saturn 222°57'25.7871
Uranus 252°39'23.3249
Neptune 271°
Pluto 210°21'

You can try it out at
White Flag

I guess it’s only a matter of time before I collapse and surrender myself. My life is really tough in camp. It is not physical stress but mentally. There’s a saying,” you pay peanuts, you get monkey”. Sometimes, I really wish that I am serving the same way as others.

My life here is really stressed up. You may see that I’m online most of the time, seems like there isn’t much for me to do, right? But in fact, when there are things that need to be done, they come in loads and are stressful.

My boss considers himself as a million dollar man. Reason being that he is allocated with million of dollars for the camp annually and I just so happen to be “the million dollar man assistant”. In fact, I’m equivalent to the key to his safe. =( To maintain and keep tracks of his budget, raise the purchase requests that are required and clear lots of shitty things for him.

It is not that I am unable to handle the workload. But I can’t handle his way in treating us, his assistants. If you wish to find out how he treated all of us, you can try reading my friends, frank and matthew blog, I’m considered lucky among them as boss have not start to blast at me just yet. Perhaps I am handling his finance, that maybe the reason.

Beginning from next week, life is going to be real tough. How tough you might ask? Hmmm… workload going to increase, responsibilities going to increase and budget is going to increase. All the above mentioned stuff is going to increase but not my pay.
I am being paid $370 to cover a $3000-$5000 job scope. It sucks!

Sigh~ I was blogging half way and was called into a meeting. I’ve got no mood to finish blogging this topic already. Will continue again…

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Conversation with M (topic over J) =P

Had a conversation with M (My old friend) today and she was advising me to treat my future girlfriend better in the future. In fact, M had a conversation with J (my ex) today. M told me that she read my blog and was telling me about how she feels about my relationship with J, that I ought to cherish her in the beginning so that things won’t turn out this way.

Shortly after the conversation, I realize that it wasn’t M own thoughts about how I should have treated J in the past. I’m not really sure but I believe that those were J’s complains about me. Hmmm… We did come across about a point about me always criticizing about J; her figure, the books she read, etc. In fact, I have already realize and loves her for who she is a few months ago.

I have stopped criticizing about her and even encourage her. Whenever I stepped into the library, I would have asked if she have anything she wishes to borrow and would help her. Whenever I went downstairs for a walk, I would ask her if she wants anything to munch on. I would offer to buy her ice kachang or waffles when she’s around. There is a point which M said that enlighten me, what is a few months of loves during 4 yrs of relationship.

I have to agree that things are too late to make amends therefore she made the choice to leave me. Actually, I have gotten over J a week ago. I have deleted her contact and blocked her from my msn and have start moving on in life. Whenever I see her sounded so happy in moving on, there is a sharp pain in me. I was told why suffer when I can delete her from msn and eventually I did.

I wasn’t mature enough in handling my relationship with J before. We were only 17 when we started hanging out together. I have always told her that we met too early otherwise, things will be perfect. At the age of 17 to 20, getting married sounded like digging your own grave. It was only when I was turning 21, I realize how much she meant to me and what a perfect wife she will be. Everything was too late then…

If you have read my previous blog, you will know how much she meant to me. A couple of friends told me that they were touched by my entries. But sadly, it didn’t touch her. As the matter of fact, she broke my heart once more when I learnt that she was attached in less than a month.

Sigh~ let’s put my painful past behind… don’t really wish to talk about it anymore.

Moving on…

M and I sort of had a debate about guys and girl. She told me that J was with his new beau who is 26 yrs old and is of mature age of treating her better but I didn’t think that age is requirement in treating a relationship.

I have come across a ladder theory which define a male and a female. It’s an interesting topic discussing that female have 2 ladders, 1 is real ladder and the other is friend’s ladder. Whereas, male have only 1 ladders and that is the motivation for male. Trust me, the guy who wrote this spend a lot of efforts researching. It is so damn true about his ladder theory even some female acknowledge it.

M was telling me that she had met some nice guys before and that good guys exist. True! I got to agree to that. Good guys do exist but it doesn’t mean that they have 2 ladders. =P

Keen to understand more about the ladder theory à

In short, all the guys out there only have a ladder. No matter who you are, as long as you are a female, they have the intention of getting in your pants. =P It is just the matter of fact that which level you are situated at and that is for guys to know and for you to find out.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Lost Lamb.

I feel like a lost lamb wondering in a big forest with dangers lurking behind every bushes and trees. I have no idea what will become of my life. Will I perish in the mouth of other predator or will I die in natural course.

I have decided to abandon my dream of becoming a pilot. I was reading an entry from another blogger and found out that being a pilot isn’t as easy as I thought. It isn’t that I’m bowing down to difficulties during the course. But rather, I think it is my health that poses a threat of being rejected from the screening tests.

I feels so suck up.

At times, I really wonders why does all these have to happen to me. What have I done wrong to deserve all these? As you might say once more, all things happen for a reason. But can you tell me what is the reason that I have to go through all these? I was once a healthy child with no illness. In fact, I would say I was a very healthy child.

Since young, I have a strong physical body. Viruses stay far away from me.


But why does all these bad things befall on me during the peak period of my life. I really feel so useless. Now, I even doubt my capabilities in becoming an air steward. What is my purpose in coming into earth. I believe each individual is born for a reason. Some are born to touch another’s life,. Others are born with various reasons. But what is mine?

The higher the hope I were to pinned in life, the harder I would fall. I have tasted this from my last relationship and it sucks indeed.

I’m a lost lamb in search for my shepherd to guide me through my life…


Monday, September 12, 2005

Evolution of human in near future.

Ever thought in 100 years away from now, how will us human being be like? I roughly know at least how human being will look like. =P

The eyes will be on the forehead, very pointed nose, big ears and a big mouth that stretches from ear to ear.

You must be thinking, why is it so… Hmmm… let me explain… Haha!

You see, all things will evolve when there is a change in the environment we are living in. If you have read documentary books, you would have seen how they predict us, human look like in the past. Haha! We were like Naked Ape walking around with hunchback. =P

My description of human in 100 years time has supporting reasons.

1.) Eyes on the forehead.
The numbers of snobbish human being are increasing. They think that they are above all man and don’t respect others. Who knows, in 1000 yrs time, they will have eyes like those of a snail. That will be gross…

2) Pointed noses
There are people who like to poke their nose into all things even though it is no business of theirs. If you ever watch an episode of Jimmy Neutron, he has a teacher who has a nose like that of a beak of a bird and she always ends her conversation with a freaking bird call. Haha!

3) Big ears and Mouth
If money is the root to all evil, then gossip must be the seed. =P There is a Chinese saying, “Beware the walls have ears”. Can you imagine… even enclose areas aren’t safe. Some goes to extends by listening through walls. That’s where the big ears come in handy. =P
And when there is juicy information, people can’t have the tendency to keep it within themselves. They will sure share it out with the rest. Haha!
Sooner than the information is leak out, all the facts will be twisted and will become craps.

This is why human nature is so scary~

I really wish that the description that I have imagine will never exist in the future.
I still miss her. ..

I have told myself to move on with my life and is trying hard in doing so. However, it's seems that every little movements, every little places and every little details will lead me into the past. Even picking up a pair of chopsticks will make me miss her for it was her who corrected me in using chopsticks for meals. I'll even miss her when I see the IKEA catalogue. We used to travel to IKEA to do some window shopping and would stay there for hours.

Memories flash past like it was just yesterday...

Hmmm... Really miss her a lot. I have try to move on by occupying myself with chores and by meeting up with friends. I thought I have succeed by refraining myself from missing her at all time. But not today...

I received a call from Jeanne (my polymate). She called to invite me to celebrate her birthday on next Saturday and of course SHE will be there too. I told myself it doesn't matter even if SHE was there but my final decision wasn't so. I have decided not to join them as I’ll feel awkward if I were to see her there.

During the conversation, I asked how SHE was doing...

Me and my big mouth, i asked without thinking. Even though i know the answer would be SHE is happy with her life now. Stupid me! Sigh~

She is attached; of course she will be happy. With all the care and concerns from her new partner.

Somewhere buried deep within my heart, it hurts.
I somehow feel that the guy is only out to cheat her... Say I'm a green eyed monster or a Sore loser, whatever! He's a professional... The tactics he used to gaining her trust, etc.
I've used those once and ended up hurting up a number of girls which I really regretted. Hmmm... Retribution~

I know I should be wishing her well, but I guess there aren’t many people who can really wish her well, if they were in my situation. Sigh~

My granny asked about her when she came over yesterday and my reply was, "SHE is not free". My granny really likes her a lot... Always calling her ANG MO CHA BO. =)

Too bad her grandson is not fortunate enough to marrying ANG MO CHA BO to become grandson-in-law. = (Guess I'll just have to keep on hiding the truth until my granny finds out.

Life hasn’t really been the same after this incident. I just don't seem attracted the ladies easily. Even beautiful girls who walk pass, I would only take a glance at them and move on. Hmmm... But I’m still straight... =P No doubt about that.

My cousin, Carrince studied my palm while we were having a conversation last night. It seems that I'll live a pretty long life and have smooth career. Nothing really bad will happen.. =)
Let's just hope that she's right about it.

Life is already tough without my princess by my side...
When will fate bring my princess to me...

Sunday, September 11, 2005


Applied leave for today intending to send a friend off at the airport. She is going to Japan for training and will then officially be flying as an air stewardess.

I told her before that I'm going to send her off but her flight is really early. Her flight is 8am and she got to check into the departure gate by between 6.45 or 7.00. Well, i managed to reach the airport at 6.45 and make my way to the departure hall. I saw quite a number of her colleagues but didnt get to see her there. Guess she checked in early le.

But well, at least I kept my promise =). I was there at the airport, just that we were not fated to meet. Hmmm... 6 weeks before she return to Singapore but guess it'll be longer than 6 weeks to meet up with her again.

Hope she'll do well for her training and be on her offical flight. =)

Saturday, September 10, 2005


I admit to being a flirtatious guy in the past but things are different now. Perhaps I have outgrown my childish mentality and would seriously wish to start a family of my own.

2 of my friends are getting married in a month time. 1 of them is someone close to me like a sister. Though we never keep in contact often, I somehow have the feeling that she understands me. The other is a friend's friend; I hang out once in a while. His bride is 20 yrs old and he's 30.
The reason for both of my friends’ marriage is bounded by their sacred love seed.

Somehow, I wish that I can start a family of my own too. To have a wife whom I can give her my best, take care and shower her with all my love... to have children of our own. I have watched a couple of TV serials that is encouraging Singaporeans to conceive and sometimes wish to have a happy of my own.

Of course I understand the issues that will arise when starting a family and things would not be easy. To maintain a family, one needs to be financially stable, commit into the family and to provide care and love for the family.

The above mentioned all the necessities to start a family. I'm able to provide all but one at the moment; financially. Sigh~

1 yr 3 months, that's how long more before I can regain my freedom and start building my realm. But firstly, I will need to be in search for my princess.

2 month ago, I thought I had found my beloved princess and am willing to provide everything that she desire. However, things don’t work out well as I hope it to be. Hope that she have found her true love.

I wonder at times if there would be a chance for us to get back together~ But I know that I can only dream for that to happen.

I’m moving on with my life…

Hanged out with my campmates today; went to Charlton Hotel to have dim sum. The dim sum taste good. Drool~
Frank, thanks for the treat. =)

After the delicious dim sum, we went to Party World for KTV session. Haha!
I didn’t really wish to tag along at first as I don’t sing but there is no reason to reject. =) I’m glad I tagged along for the session, had fun there.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

THis is a personality test describing me:

You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:

You are a true romantic. When you are in love, you will do anything and everything to keep your love true.
Your readiness to commit to a relationship:

You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.
The seriousness of your love:

Your have very sensible tactics when approaching the opposite sex. In many ways people find your straightforwardness attractive, so you will find yourself with plenty of dates.
Your views on education

Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.
The right job for you:

You have many goals and want to achieve as much as you can. The jobs you enjoy are those that let you burn off your considerable excess energy.
How do you view success:

You are confident that you will be successful in your chosen career and nothing will stop you from trying.
What are you most afraid of:

You are afraid of having no one to rely on in times of trouble. You don't ever want to be unable to take care of yourself. Independence is important to you.
Who is your true self:

You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve. ---> Try this out.
1 year 3 months, the chain (SAF) that is keeping me away from my freedom. How i wish that time flies during my service but sadly, there isn't much I could do.

Life is no longer exciting without a princess by my side. There isn't much laughter, joy or happiness induce into my life. Sadly, my once beloved princess have left and i'm in search for another, the right one.

Let's just hope that fate will bring her to me soon.

I've been thinking of my occupation upon ORD and would love to try out as an air steward. Thereafter, I would wish to try out as a pilot. If i can have my dream job in the future, that'll be great. Life doesn't always happen as we wish.

Let's just wish me luck. =)

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Forsaken, the black knight travelled in the battlefield, fighting out a realm of his own. In the meanwhile, he is waiting for fate to bring him his princess.

A princess that he will protect with his life。By giving her everything that he most possibly can. Soon, his life will not be in the battlefield anymore. Instead he will be immerse in happiness and love that fill his realm.

Woes and worries dare not to goes near him as only happiness will embrace him...